面向高效应急响应的虚拟库存池和事件检索(Virtual Stockpile Pooling and On-Event Retrieval for Efficient Emergency Response)

主题:面向高效应急响应的虚拟库存池和事件检索(Virtual Stockpile Pooling and On-Event Retrieval for Efficient Emergency Response)

主讲人:刘方 副教授

时间:2023-09-18 15:00:00




The traditional approach for maintaining stockpiles in the supply chain is static stockpiles (SS) whereeach warehouse is assigned a static inventory threshold and only the inventory above the threshold can be used to satisfy the regular demand. This approach circulates the stockpiles via the supply chain and hencereduces waste. Alternatively, virtual stockpile pooling (VSP) dynamically adjusts the thresholds among the warehouses. However, these two approaches omit the retrieval process. In this paper, we analyze the VSP withdynamic retrieval (VSPR) and benchmark it with VSP and SS with retrieval (SSR). Under SSR, allocatingall the emergency supplies to the warehouse with the least long-run average operating cost is optimal. UnderVSPR, we solve a three-stage optimization problem and derive the closed-form solution at the last two stages.The solutions can be obtained from an easy-to-execute finite-step method. Specifically, the optimal retrievalpolicy can be obtained from a greedy procedure. The optimal reallocation policy can be characterized byranking the inventory segments rather than ranking the warehouses under VSP. The optimal order policy isa base stock policy. We also find that the emergency supplies are only reserved at some warehouses i.e., thekey warehouses and identify conditions under which a warehouse is a key warehouse. In a case study, VSPRsaves up to 13.8021% operational cost and improves service levels 4.9026% at most. Other than emergencyresponse, VSPR can also be applied to supply chain management, healthcare operations, energy and naturalresource management, and military defense.

维持供应链库存的传统方法是静态库存(SS),每个仓库分配一个静态库存阈值,只有超过阈值的库存才能用于满足正常需求。这种方法使库存通过供应链流通,从而减少了浪费。或者,虚拟库存池(VSP)动态调整仓库之间的阈值。然而,这两种方法省略了检索过程。在本文中,我们分析了带有动态检索的VSP (VSPR),并对VSP和带有检索的SS (SSR)进行了基准测试。在SSR下,将所有应急物资分配到长期平均运营成本最小的仓库是最优的。在VSPR条件下,我们求解了一个三阶段优化问题,并推导了后两阶段的封闭解。解可以用一种易于执行的有限步法得到。具体来说,最优检索策略可以通过贪心过程获得。在VSP下,最优再分配策略的特征是对库存分段进行排序,而不是对仓库进行排序。最优的订单策略是基本库存策略。我们还发现,应急用品只保留在一些仓库,即关键仓库,并确定仓库是关键仓库的条件。通过实例分析,VSPR最多可节省13.8021%的运营成本,最多可提高4.9026%的服务水平。除了应急响应,VSPR还可以应用于供应链管理、医疗保健业务、能源和自然资源管理以及军事防御。

