Hausdorff Measure of the Range and Graph of Space-Time Anisotropic Gaussian Random Fields
主题:   Hausdorff Measure of the Range and Graph of Space-Time Anisotropic Gaussian Random Fields主讲人:   陈振龙地点:   松江校区二号学院楼331理学院报告厅时间:   2021-05-27 10:00:00组织单位:   理学院


内容摘要Let X = {X(t),t∈R^N}be a centered space-time anisotropic Gaussian random field with values in R^d with stationary increments, whose components are independent but may not be identically distributed. Under certain mild conditions, we determine the exact Hausdorff measure function for the range set X([0,1]^N)and graph set GrX([0,1]^N). Our result extends corresponding results proved by Talagrand (Ann Probab 23:767-775,1995) , Xiao (Math Proc Camb Phil Soc 122:565-576,1997) for fractional Brownian motion, and also Luan and Xiao (J Fourier Anal Appl 18:118-145,2012) for time-anisotropic and space-isotropic Gaussian random fields.

