Seung Yeal Ha, 首尔大学数学系教授,韩国科学与工程院院士,韩国科学奖、青年科学奖获得者,国际数学家大会45分钟报告人。主要研究方向为双曲守恒律,气体动力学理论,多智能体系统的群体行为。
报告摘要:In this talk, we briefly discuss three topics such as the universality of the collective dynamics,second-order Cucker-Smale flocking on Riemannian manifolds and a generalized aggregation model for the ensemble of rank-m tensors with the same size. In ourfirst story, we discuss universal triality relation between bacteriaaggregation, Cucker-Smale flocking and Kuramoto synchronization. These three seemingly different phenomena can be integrated into a common nonlinear consesnsus framework. In our second story, we present a second-order Cucker-Smale modeling on Riemannian manifolds such as the unit circle, the unitsphere in R^2 and Poincare upper half plane model for hyperbolic geometry.Finally, in our third story, we introduce a new unified model for the ensembleof aggregation of tensors with the same rank and size. Our new model include sprevious well-known mathematical models such as the Kuramoto model, the Lohetype models as special cases.