High-valent Copper(III) Complexes and their Involvement in Novel
主题:  High-valent Copper(III) Complexes and their Involvement in Novel主讲人:  刘巍地点:  松江校区4号学院楼3083室时间:  2019-09-05 15:00:00组织单位:   化学化工与生物工程学院


Prof. Liu completed his undergraduate studies at Peking University under the supervision of Prof. Gu Yuan. In 2008, he moved to Princeton University for the doctoral studies under the supervision of Prof. John T. Groves, focusing on metalloporphyrin-catalyzed C-H halogenations. He then joined the Chang lab at Berkeley as a postdoctoral researcher, developing reaction-based probes for in vivo imaging and hybrid catalysts for CO reduction. He started his independent career at Miami’s Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in August 2017.

His current research focuses on high-valent copper(III) complexes and copper-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions.


In this talk, the recent development of a copper-catalyzed decarboxylative difluoromethylation reaction as well as the synthesis of novel copper(III) complexes will be discussed.
