Recent progress in 3D edge physics study on W7-X stellarator

主题:  Recent progress in 3D edge physics study on W7-X stellarator主讲人:  梁云峰地点:  松江校区2号学院楼331理学院报告厅时间:  2019-05-22 15:00:00组织单位:   磁约束核聚变教育部中心

主讲人简介梁云峰博士,亿万先生mr01官网特聘兼职教授,德国Juelich科学研究中心等离子体物理研究所研究员,德国亥姆霍兹国家研究中心青年课题组首席科学家兼德国杜塞尔多夫教授.长期从事MHD不稳定性及其控制研究。已在国际专业期刊上发表论文SCI 90多篇。并且是EFDA-JET和MAST装置上扰动磁场控制ELM实验研究项目的科学问题协调人,中国科学院磁约束聚变理论中心的科学顾问委员会成员,中科院等离子体所EAST托卡马克装置上“MHD和ELM控制”的Task Force Leader。

内容摘要The fusion experiment Wendel stein 7-X (W7-X) is the largest optimized stellarator of the world. The concept of W7-X for plasma exhaust uses the formation of an inherent separatrixat the boundary for creating a so-called island divertor.The confinement region is either limited by the separatrix of the boundary island chain or by an ergodized region formed by the remnants of overlapping high-order rational islands around the major resonance.In this talk, an overview of those advanced progresses on the developmentof diagnostic set-up and modelling for 3D edge physics and plasma-wall interactions will be presented. Several promising experimental and modeling results achieved during the OP1 phase will be discussed.

报告主持:钟方川 教授
