The dynamics of nonlocal diffusion systems with free boundary

主题:  The dynamics of nonlocal diffusion systems with free boundary主讲人:  王明新地点:  延安路校区旭日楼416时间:  2019-05-11 14:30:00组织单位:   理学院




This talk concerns with the free boundary problems of nonlocal diffusion systems, which are natural extensions of the free boundary problems of reaction diffusion systems, where nonlocal diffusions are used to describe the population dispersal, with the free boundary representing the spreading front of the species. We prove that such kind of nonlocal diffusion problems has aunique global solution, and then show that a spreading-vanishing dichotomy holds. Moreover, criteria of spreading and vanishing are established for the classical Lotka-Volterra competitive and prey-predator models.

报告主持:王学锋 教授
