Nanomaterials Design for Energy, Environment and Textile

主题:  Nanomaterials Design for Energy, Environment and Textile主讲人:  崔屹地点:  松江校区图文信息中心第二报告厅时间:  2019-05-08 09:00:00组织单位:   纺织科创中心、人才工作办公室


题目:Nanomaterials Design for Energy, Environment and Textile





Yi Cui is a Professor in theDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering atStanford University. He received Chemistry in 1998 at the University of Science and Technology of China(USTC), Ph.D in 2002 at Harvard University. After that, he went on to work as aMiller Postdoctoral Fellow at University of California, Berkeley. In2005 he became an Assistant Professor in the Department of Materials Scienceand Engineering at Stanford University. In 2010 he was promoted with tenure.His current research is on nanomaterials for energy storage, photovotalics,topological insulators, biology and environment. He has founded three companiesto commercialize technologies from his group: Amprius Inc., 4C Air Inc. and EEnovateTechnology Inc. He is a Fellow of Materials ResearchSociety, a Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry and a Fellow of ElectrochemicalSociety. He is an Associate Editor of Nano Letters. He is a Co-Director of the Bay Area PhotovoltaicConsortium and a Co-Director of Battery 500 Consortium. He is a highly proliferate materials scientist and has published morethan 430 research papers. His H-Index is 178 (Google). In 2014, he was rankedNO.1 in Materials Science by Thomson Reuters as “The World’s Most InfluentialScientific Minds”. His selected awards include: Blavatnik NationalLaureate (2017), MRS Kavli DistinguishedLectureship in Nanoscience (2015),theSloan Research Fellowship (2010), KAUST Investigator Award (2008), ONR YoungInvestigator Award (2008), Technology Review World Top Young Innovator Award(2004).


Nanotechnologyhas provided a novel technology platform which can address critical energy andenvironmental problems and enable new opportunities. In the past decade, mygroup has conducted research on new ideas to address problems related to energyconversion, storage and saving, and environment cleaning (air, water and soil).Here I will show exciting examples, including: 1) High energy battery materials including Si and Li metalanodes and S cathodes; 2) Nanofiber air filters for efficient PM2.5 removal andlow air resistance. 3) Cooling and heating textile for personal thermalmanagement.
