Exploration of anti-tuberculosis drug space: From natural compounds to dendrimers as nanocarriers

主题:  Exploration of anti-tuberculosis drug space: From natural compounds to dendrimers as nanocarriers主讲人:  Serge Mignani地点:  松江校区四号学院楼 3083 室时间:  2019-05-07 15:00:00组织单位:   化学化工与生物工程学院


Serge Mignani obtained a “diplôme d’ingénieur” degree in 1977 from the ‘Ecole Nationale Supéreure de Chimie de Rennes’ (University of Rennes, France). In 1978, he joined the Catholic University of Louvain-la‐Neuve (Belgium) for a Ph.D. training under the supervision of Prof H. G. Viehe. Then, he joined the University of Madison (USA) for a postdoctoral stay under the supervision of Prof B. M. Trost. In 1981, he joined Rhône‐Poulenc (currently Sanofi) at the Vitry Research Center, where he was Head of the Medicinal Chemistry Department and Scientific Director. His research interests included medicinal chemistry, organic synthesis, nanotechnologies, drug delivery and vectorisation approaches. His research team has been involved successively in the preparation of new anti‐convulsive, anxiolytic, anti‐depressive, anti‐ischaemic, anti‐HIV, anti‐diabetic, anti‐bacterial and anti‐tumor agents with original mechanism of action. More than ten clinical candidates have been disclosed by his team. Serge Mignani is author of more 130 publications and more 100 patents. More than 70 invited plenary lectures and conferences have been presented.


The long term treatment of tuberculosis (TB) sometimes leads to non-adherence to treatment and results into multi drug resistance (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR) tuberculosis. Inadequate bioavailability of the drug is the main factor for therapeutic failure which leads to the development of drug-resistant cases. Therefore, there is an urgent need to design and develop a novel anti-mycobacterial agents minimizing the period of treatment and reduce the propagation of resistance at the same time.

 The aim of this talk is to report the exploration of anti-tuberculosis drug space from natural products to dendrimers as nanocarriers. These nanodrugs could be able to fulfill the clinical candidate pipe of this high burden of infectious disease and to play a part in the continuous demand for new drugs, and represent new ways to treat tuberculosis.

