Phosphorus Dendrimers. Design and Applications.Past, Present and Future

主题:  Phosphorus Dendrimers. Design and Applications.Past, Present and Future主讲人:  Jean Pierre Majoral地点:  松江校区四号学院楼 3083 室时间:  2019-05-07 14:00:00组织单位:   化学化工与生物工程学院


Jean Pierre Majoral obtained doctorate in 1973 from Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France). Then, he joined the University of East-Anglia  (UK) for a postdoctor. He is Vice-Director « Laboratoire Chimie de Coordination » Toulouse (France) 1998-2002, Director of a French Polish joint International Laboratory (LEA 1999 – 2007), Editor in Chief « New Journal of Chemistry » (2005 - 2009), “directeur de Recherche CNRS ”, member of the European Academy of Sciences, member of the Academia Europeae, member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. His research interests included design and properties of dendrimers from biology and medicinal chemistry to material sciences, and catalysis. Jean Pierre Majoral is author of more 600 publications, more 45 patents and 5 books.


A far-reaching evolution of the dendrimer field of research occurred since the pioneering work of D. Tomalia, G. Newkome , F. Vogtle, and J. Frechet concerning the design of organic dendritic structures. A stone to build this house was the first preparation of neutral phosphorus dendrimers started and developed in the Toulouse group since 1992. Many efforts allowing us to propose to the scientific community the synthesis of a variety of phosphorus dendrimers, dendrons, bis-dendrons, onion peel dendritic species, macromolecular asterisks etc, have been done. In a parallel time, investigations and analysis of their properties and applications in different area including biology, nanomedicine, catalysis, material science, diagnostic, imaging have been undertaken.As an illustration, this lecture will point out some of the phosphorus dendrimer contribution in the domain of nanotechnologies with the presentation of selected examples belonging to a recent past and present, spearheads for the development of original applications and exciting extension in the near future in fundamental and applied nanomedicine such as treatment of several diseases, diagnostic, theranostic, or for the formation and the use of dendritic nanohybrid materials.

