CALM TALK 103 | Stretchable Strain Sensors Based on Polymer/Nanomaterial Composites

主题:  Stretchable Strain Sensors Based on Polymer/Nanomaterial Composites主讲人:  Jun Ma地点:  先进低维材料中心学术交流室(松江校区2号学院楼西2632)时间:  2019-04-22 14:00:00组织单位:   先进低维材料中心

 报告人简介:Jun Ma received his PhD in 2002 from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He then conducted research as a visiting scholarand postdoc fellow at the Centre for Advanced Materials Technology, The University of Sydney. In 2007 Jun joined the University of South Australia as alecturer and he is now an Associate Professor. His research focuses on the development of applied functional composites through processing polymers with arange of nanomaterials, aiming to engage with industry in the design, development, and manufacturing of advanced polymeric composite materials.

 内容摘要:Highly sensitive, wearable and durable strain sensors are vital to the development of health monitoring systems, smartrobots and human machine interfaces.  Here in a facile, cost-effective and scalable fabrication method is presented first for the development of stretchable strain sensors which are based on a composite film consisting of graphene platelets and silicon rubber. Through calculation by the tunnellingtheory using experimental data, the composite film has tunable gauge factors 27.7–164.5. They can be used as electronic skin, a vibration sensor and a humanmachine interface controller. Then conventional strain sensors are reviewed forkey parameters towards potential impact on new polymer/nanomaterial strainsensors. It concludes that there are no general benchmarks for conventional strain sensors utilized in industry. The speaker suggests that stretchable strainsensors should be custom designed and developed to meet particular measurement requirements, in comparison with a generic aim of yielding a sensor with high degrees of stretchability, sensitivity, and linearity. Challenges are discussed, including reliability, calibration to be used as proper gauges, and soft data acquisition systems.
