Halamine Chemistry and Applications in Biological and Chemical Protection

主题:  Halamine Chemistry and Applications in Biological and Chemical Protection主讲人:  孙刚地点:  延安路校区纺织科技创新中心楼217报告厅时间:  2019-03-26 15:00:00组织单位:   纺织科技创新中心

主讲人简介:Gang Sun is a professor of Fiber and Polymer Sciences in Division of Textilesand Clothing at University of California, Davis, and has been conducting research on protective clothing materials, especially biocidal materials forbiological protections, since 1995.He is a recipient of the Olney Medal in 2016, the highest science award by the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorist (AATCC) and also isserving as the editor-in-chief of AATCC Journal of Research.

内容摘要:Prevention of transmissions of contagious diseases is an urgent challenge to public health professionals and also to textile scientists since clothing and textiles are the most important personal protective equipment (PPE). In preparation of biological protective clothing materials, halamine structures have demonstrated promising rechargeable biocidal functions against a broad spectrum of microorganisms including viruses and bacteria on many fiber-use polymers.The presentation will provide a detailed viewon halamine chemistry and their potential applications in various polymeric materials.
