A sufficient condition of sensitivity functions for global existence of solutions to a fully parabolic chemotaxis system

主题:  A sufficient condition of sensitivity functions for global existence of solutions to a fully parabol主讲人:  Kentarou Fujie地点:  松江校区2号学院楼241室时间:  2019-03-27 10:15:00组织单位:   理学院

 主讲人简介:Kentarou Fujie博士于2015年在日本东京理科大学获得博士学位,现为东京理科大学助理研究员,近年来主要研究趋化模型,已发表相关研究论文10余篇。

 讲座摘要:We deal with the fully parabolic Keller-Segelsystem with nonlinear sensitivity functions. We will consider the above systemas a perturbation of a nonlocal parabolic equation and establish a sufficient condition of the sensitivity function for global existence of solutions undersome assumption. We will also discuss other applications of this method. This talk is based on a joint project with Takasi Senba.

 讲座主持:陶有山 教授

