Design of (organic material/tubular clay) hybrids through precise interfacial structure control

主题:  Design of (organic material/tubular clay) hybrids through precise interfacial structure control主讲人:  Atsushi Takahara地点:  松江校区4号学院楼生物研究所3083室时间:  2018-09-24 10:00:00组织单位:   化学化工与生物工程学院


Atsushi Takahara received his Ph.D. at Kyushu University in 1983. Since1983, Takahara works as assistant/associate/full professor at Kyushu University. Currently, he is a senior editor of Langmuir (since 2016) and the President of Materials Research Society of Japan (MRS-Japan). Prof. Takaharahas won a number of awards, including Polymer Science Award, The Outstanding Achievement Award (The Society of Fiber Science & Technology, Japan), SPSJ Award for Outstanding Achievement on Polymer Science and Technology.


Surface functionalization of tubular nano-clays of imogolite andhalloysite using the selective binding of organophosphonic acids and organosilane compounds, and the use of the surface modified nanotubes inpolymer hybrids were studied. Surface modification of imogolite with alkylphosphonic acid salt through the specific interaction of phosphonic acid and the exterior alumina sites of imogolite was presented. SI-ATRP was performed with the selectively adsorbed phosphonic acid functionalized ATRP-initiator toprepare polymer brushes on the imogolite surface.
