Global Existence for semilinear damped wave equations in relation with the Strauss conjecture

主题:  Global Existence for semilinear damped wave equations in relation with the Strauss conjecture主讲人:  刘梦云地点:  松江校区2号学院楼331理学院报告厅时间:  2018-10-12 11:00:00组织单位:   理学院应用数学系

主讲人简介:刘梦云,浙江大学数学科学学院2014级博士生,导师王成波教授,研究方向为非线性波动方程,已完成包括发表于Acta Math. Sin.(Engl. Ser.)的相关论文多篇。

内容摘要:We study the global existence of solutions to semilinear wave equations with power-type nonlinearity and general lower order terms on n dimensional nontrapping asymptotically Euclideanmanifolds, when n=3, 4. In addition, we prove almost global existence with sharp lower bound of the lifespan for the four dimensional critical problem.

讲座主持:秦玉明 教授
