主题:  VORONOI-TYPE DIAGRAMS WITH APPLICATIONS主讲人:  Franz Aurenhammer地点:  延安路校区旭日楼306教室时间:  2018-12-11 13:30:00组织单位:   管理学院

 报告简介:The so-called Voronoi diagram is a geometric data structure which has been used in many scientific areas inside and outside computer science since a long time. In this talk, I will introduce this useful structure, explain some of its main applications, and mention methods for constructing Voronoi diagrams. A similar data structure is the so-called straight skeleton, which is defined by an offsetting process of geometric shapes in 2D or 3D. I will briefly introduce 2D straight skeletons and their applications, and then report on 3D straight skeletons with the help of various video examples.

  报告人简介:Full Professor at the Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, University of Technology, Graz, Austria. Head of the research group on algorithms, geometry, and optimization. Publications: 150 publications in quality scientific journals/conference proceedings, one book ‘Voronoi Diagrams and Delaunay Triangulations’ (co-authored with Rolf Klein and Der-Tsai Lee; Chinese edition will be published by World Scientific Singapore), and three survey articles two of which of over 80 pages each. Awards: Best paper award (Hao Wang Award 2000) at the 6th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference, Sydney, Australia, 2000.Recent grants: FWF Special Research Council “Optimization and Control” F300 ESF EuroGIGA Collaborate Research Project “Spatial Decompositions and Graphs (VORONOI)” Initiator of the ESF EUROCORES Programme EuroGIGA – Graphs in Geometry and Algorithms DACH Project “VORONOI++.
