Macromolecular engineering on surfaces-ladder-like polymer brushes

主题:  Macromolecular engineering on surfaces-ladder-like polymer brushes主讲人:  Szczepan Zapotoczny地点:  松江校区逸夫科技创新楼307室时间:  2018-12-12 09:30:00组织单位:   化学化工与生物工程学院


Dr. Szczepan is a professor at Jagiellonian University (JU), Faculty of Chemistry, Krakow, Poland. His main research interests:nanostructural polymeric materials for photochemical and biomedical applications; polymer brushes as advanced functional platforms;multilayer films and capsules prepared using “layer-by-layer (LbL) approach;polymer microparticles and nanocapsules for controlled drug delivery;biocompatible polymer-based and hybrid materials;energy/electron transfer processes in the confined environments.  


 Surface grafted polymer brushes refer to an assembly of macromolecules attached with one end to a surface and stretched away from it. The stretched conformation of the tethered chains and their conformational freedom leads to unique properties of the brushes and specific applications. Conductive polymer brushes grafted from surfaces, as examples of such structures, are very desirable for e.g. organic photovoltaics and molecular electronics since they would form directional nanoscale pathway for charge transport. However, synthesis of surface-grafted conjugated polymer brushes is still very challenging since there are no controlled polymerization techniques easily applicable for that purpose.

They have introduced self-templating surface-initiated polymerization (ST-SIP) leading to synthesis of ladder-like brushes with one chain in a pair being conjugated. Bifunctional monomers were developed and used to grow macromonomer brushes using various controlled radical polymerizations in the first step of ST-SIP. The prealigned polymerizable groups based on acetylene, thiophene or ethynylpyridine were subsequently reacted forming conjugated chains in the ladder-like architecture. Such obtained brushes after doping exhibited high conductivity in the direction perpendicular to the surface as showed using conductive atomic force microscopy. Their structure was further developed using e.g. XPS profiling, grazing angle FTIR. The presented general route was later used for synthesis of photoactive brushes and may be easily applied for obtaining other polymer architectures comprising conjugated polymers (mixed brushes, block conductive-nonconductive brushes etc.).
