Advanced LbL Assembled Nanofilms and Capsules for Drug Delivery

主题:  Advanced LbL Assembled Nanofilms and Capsules for Drug Delivery主讲人:  Shichao Zhang地点:  延安路校区纺织科技创新中心楼217报告厅时间:  2019-01-27 15:00:00组织单位:   纺织科技创新中心

 主讲人简介:Shichao Zhang, PhD at Donghua University (2013-2017), Postdoc at West Virginia University (2017-present), his research highlights include: (1) Formation mechanism and controllable fabrication of 2D polymeric nanonets. (2) Highly efficient and transparent nanonet based air filters. (3) Large-scale fabrication of highly aligned nanofibers. (4) Advanced LbL assembled nanofilms and capsules for drug delivery. As first or co-first author, since 2014, he has published more than 13 peer-reviewed SCI journal papers (with cumulative impact factor of >80) in prestigious journals like Small, J Mater Chem A, and Acta Biomater. He has also applied for 15 patents with 5 approved and have authored three book chapters. In addition, his research in nanomaterials has been recognized several times: (1) 2018 Society for Biomaterials Annual Conference, Ortho SIG’s Star Abstract Award, USA, (2) Health Sciences Center Office of Research and Graduate Education Postdoctoral Researcher Travel Award, USA, (3) 2016 Scholar Star of Donghua University, (4) 16th “Chen Weiji” Best Paper Award (2015, China), (5) National Scholarship for Graduate Students in 2015-2016.

  内容摘要:Capsule integrated polypeptide multilayer films for effective on-demand multiple drug co-delivery has been created using layer-by-layer self-assembly technology. This approach allows the multilayered polypeptide nanofilms and pre-impregnated capsules to assemble into innovative biomedical materials with high and controllable loading of multiple drugs any time post-preparation, and on-demand, sustained and sequential release. The resultant materials show robust in vivo efficacy in stimulating bone regeneration and osseointegration and in reducing bacterial infection in IM nailing of open fractures.
