Design Software ecosystems from service science perspectives
主题:  Design Software ecosystems from service science perspectives主讲人:  Lorna Uden地点:  一号学院楼140报告厅时间:  2018-11-15 10:05:00组织单位:   计算机科学与技术学院


Prof. Lorna Uden is Emeritus Professor of IT systems in the school of Computing, Engineering and Technology atStaffordshire University.She haspublished widely in conferences, journals, chapters of books andworkshops.Her research interestsinclude Learning Technology, Web Engineering and Technology, Human ComputerInteraction, Groupware, Activity Theory, big data,innovation , E-business, Knowledgemanagement, E-government, Semantic web, Web services ,big data, service innovation, social media,Service Science, Internet of Things (IOT), intelligent transport systems andProblem-Based Learning (PBL).

Professor Uden is program committee memberfor many international conferences and workshops. She is on the editorial boardof several international journals. She is founder and editor in chief of theInternational Journal of Web Engineering and Technology (IJWET) and theInternational Journal of Learning Technology (IJLT), published by Inderscience,UK.

Professor Uden is also visiting professorto universities in Australia, Brazil, China, Colombia, Finland, India, Italy,Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain,South Africa, Taiwan and West Indies. She has been keynote speaker at manyinternational conferences. On the international front, she collaborates widelywith colleagues worldwide in paper writing. She is the founder of the KMO andLTEC conferences. Professor Uden is also the conference chair of KMO2019 andLTEC 2019.


A recent development within softwareengineering is the emergence of software ecosystems.It implies a shift of focus from theinternals of the software organization (the individual organism) towards itsenvironment and the relations and actions within (the ecosystem). Softwareecosystems (SECOs) are an effective way to construct large software systems ontop of a software platform by composing components developed by actors bothinternal and external.The softwareengineering is spread outside the traditional borders of software companies toa group of companies, private persons, or other legal entities.

Software ecosystems (SECO) refer to the setof businesses and their interrelationships in a common software product orservice market. Although SECO approach appears attractive and is gainingmomentum, its higher complexity brings tough challenges for its design. Forexample, what factors need to be considered in order to succeed in a SECO? Howcan software vendors establish and sustain strong buyer-supplier relationships?

The author believes that by treatingsoftware design as a service system that provides values for the differentstakeholders offers potentials for SECO design. This paper proposes aconceptual framework base on the service ecosystem from service science thatcan be used to design SECO using an from an e learning example.
