Soft tubular microfluidics for particle sorting and wearable sensors

主题:   Soft tubular microfluidics for particle sorting and wearable sensors主讲人:   龚晓波地点:   松江校区 4 号学院楼 3083 室时间:   2018-10-31 10:00:00组织单位:   化学化工与生物工程学院


龚晓波,上海交通大学工程力学系副教授(特别研究员),博士生导师,上海市浦江人才,中国力学学会生物力学专业委员会委员、生物流变学专业委员会委员,上海市生物物理学会常务理事,上海交通大学-千叶大学国际合作研究中心副主任。《医用生物力学》、《水动力学研究及进展》杂志编委。1996年于西安交通大学环境与化学工程学院获学士学位,2002年于西安交通大学获动力工程及工程热物理博士学位。2002-2004年任东京大学工学部流体工程实验室日本学术振兴会JSPS博士后,2004-2007年于东京大学工学部智能模拟实验室任助理研究员,2007-2009年于日本理化学研究所任研究员。2009年至今于上海交通大学任特别研究员、博士生导师。主要研究方向为生物流体力学和细胞力学。在PNAS,Journal of Computational Physics, Journal ofFluid Mechanics等杂志发表文章20余篇。担任第三届国际分子、细胞、组织力生物学研讨会共同主席(2017)。  


Microfluidicshas been the key component for many applications, including biomedical devices,chemical processors, micro actuators, and even wearable devices. Thistechnology relies on soft lithography fabrication which requires cleanroomfacilities. Although popular, this method is expensive and labor-intensive.Furthermore, current conventional microfluidic chips preclude reconfiguration,making reiterations in design very time-consuming and costly. To address theseintrinsic drawbacks of micro fabrication, we present an alternative solutionfor the rapid prototyping of microfluidic elements such as micro tubes, valves,and pumps. In addition, we demonstrate how micro tubes with channels of variouslengths and cross-sections can be attached modularly into 2D and 3Dmicrofluidic systems for functional applications. We introduce a facile methodof fabricating elastomeric micro tubes as the basic building blocks formicrofluidic devices. These micro tubes are transparent, biocompatible, highlydeformable, and customizable to various sizes and cross-sectional geometries.By configuring the micro tubes into deterministic geometry, we enable rapid,low-cost formation of microfluidic assemblies without compromising theirprecision and functionality. We demonstrate configurable 2D and 3D microfluidicsystems for applications in different domains. These include micro particlesorting, micro droplet generation, biocatalyticmicromotor, triboelectricsensor, and even wearable sensing. Our approach, termed soft tubular microfluidics,provides a simple, cheaper, and faster solution for users lacking proficiencyand access to cleanroom facilities to design and rapidly construct microfluidicdevices for their various applications and needs.  
