Development of an antimicrobial nano-agent for multi-drug resistant wound

主题:   Development of an antimicrobial nano-agent for multi-drug resistant wound主讲人:   王苏河地点:   松江校区四号学院楼3083室时间:   2018-07-20 09:30:00组织单位:   化学化工与生物工程学院


王苏河,美国密歇根大学医学院-内科系和医学生物科学纳米技术研究所副教授。1985年毕业于福建医科大学,1996年毕业于英国斯特拉思克莱德大学(University of Strathclyde)并获得药学博士学位。曾在英国伦敦大学国王医学院(King's College School of Medicine) 和美国密歇根大学(University of Michigan)进行了博士后培训。

研究的主要方向为细胞、分子生物学和纳米医学,尤其是抗感染的新型纳米材料/乳剂, 疫苗佐剂, 分子靶向药物, 纳米抗癌材料和自身免疫调节剂的研究开发。以上的研究得到包括美国DOD, 美国NIH和美国甲状腺研究委员会等不同基金资助。在相关的专业期刊上发表科研论文60多篇,编写6本书籍章节,并参与多个专业杂志审稿和担任基金评审。    


Aim: To develop NB-201, a nanoemulsion compound, as a novel microbicidal agent against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection, a common threat to public health with limited therapeutic options.  

Materials and methods:  NB-201 was tested in in vitro and in vivo murine and porcine models infected with MRSA.

Results: Topical treatment of MRSA-infected wounds with NB-201 significantly decreased bacterial load and had no toxic effects on healthy skin tissues. NB-201 attenuated neutrophil sequestration in MSRA-infected wounds and inhibited epidermal and deep dermal inflammation. The levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines were reduced in NB-201-treated MRSA-infected wounds.

Conclusion: NB-201 can greatly reduce inflammation characteristic of infected wounds and has antimicrobial activity that effectively kills MRSA regardless of the genetic basis of antibiotic resistance.

