Integrable peakon and cuspon equations

主题:   Integrable peakon and cuspon equations主讲人:   乔志军地点:   松江校区2号学院楼331理学院报告厅时间:   2018-06-25 16:00:00组织单位:   非线性科学研究所


内容摘要:In my talk, I will introduce integrable peakonand cuspon equations and present a basic approach how to get peakon solutions.Those equations include the well-known Camassa-Holm (CH), the Degasperis-Procesi (DP), and other new peakon equations with M/W-shapesolutions. I take the CH case as a typical example to explain the details. My presentation is based on my previous work (Communications in Mathematical Physics 239, 309-341). I will show that the CH spectral problem yields twodifferent integrable hierarchies of nonlinear evolution equations (NLEEs), one is of negative order CH hierarchy while the other one is of positive order CH hierarchy. The two CH hierarchies possess the zero curvature representations through solving a key matrix equation. We see that the well-known CH equationis included in the negative order CH hierarchy while the Dym type equation is included in the positive order CH hierarchy. In particular, the CH equation, constrained to a symplectic submanifold in R2N, has the parametric solutions. Moreover, solving the parametric representation of the solution on the symplectic submanifold gives a class of a new algebro-geometric solution of the CH equation. In the end of my talk, some open problems are also addressedfor discussion.

讲座主持:秦玉明 教授

