
主题:  利用射频溅射在室温条件下制备无铟MTO/Ag/MTO透明导电电极用于有机光伏电池主讲人:  Chil-Hyoung Lee地点:  亿万先生mr01官网研究院209会议室(延安路校区)时间:  2018-05-20 16:00:00组织单位:   亿万先生mr01官网


Dr. Chil-Hyoung Lee received his B.S degree in Department ofNano-materials Science and Engineering, Jeonju University in 2005. He obtainedhis M.S. degree from Opto-electronics Materials Devices Research Center, KoreaInstitute of Science and Technology (KIST) & Department of MaterialsScience and Engineering, Yonsei University in 2009. He is now a Ph. D.candidate in Institute of Advanced Composite Materials, Korea Institute ofScience and Technology (KIST) & Department of BIN Convergence technology,Chonbuk National University (CBNU).


As an alternative to indium–tin oxide (ITO), MTO/Ag/MTO (MAM) multilayertransparent electrodes with a nano-sized Ag thin film embedded between Mn-dopedtin oxide (MTO) layers were prepared. The MTO/Ag/MTO thin films were depositedon a glass substrate by RF sputtering at room temperature to evaluate theircharacteristics as transparent electrodes for organic photovoltaic cells(OPVs). Optical and electrical properties of the single layer MTO wereinvestigated at various working pressures and oxygen partial pressures. Basedon the optimal condition, the MTO/Ag/MTO multilayer electrode showed a sheetresistance of 10.1~10.6 Ω/sq and transmittance of 80.1~85.4 % in the visiblerange (λ=380~780 nm). Their values are compatible with commercial indium–tin oxide(ITO). Conventional-type bulk hetero-junction organic photovoltaic cells(BHJ-OPVs) using the MTO/Ag/MTO multilayer electrode show an open circuitvoltage (VOC) of 0.62 V, a short circuit current (JSC) of 7.12 mA/cm2,a fill factor (FF) of 0.62, and a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 2.73%.This PCE is comparable with a commercial ITO electrode (3.17%). This suggeststhat the MTO/Ag/MTO multilayer electrode is a new promising transparentconducting electrode for BHJ-OPVs.


  编辑:向娟        撰写:李召岭