
主题:   【环东华时尚周】主论坛:科技的时尚,时尚的科技主讲人:   Mariannne Conde-Salazar等地点:   延安路校区逸夫楼二楼展演厅时间:   2018-04-24 09:30:00组织单位:   上海环东华时尚创意中心




This is an era for technological leap. This is a time for fashion glamour. As people gradually evolve from avant-gardes to futurists, a new era of fashion and technology has arrived. Whether for exploring the infinite possibilities of new materials, or seeking uncharted pathways for novel design concepts, or applying digital technologies for omni-channel brand marketing and distribution, science and technology have become an integral part of the fashion world and are poised to bring the next revolution of the fashion industry.

Fashion needs innovation; innovation needs creativity. When technology and fashion collide; when design and technology intersect, the spark brings about the power of creativity and innovation. This forum aims at providing a platform for idea collision, promoting a tacit understanding between fashion designers and technologists. The forum brings together the wisdom of domestic and foreign experts, scholars, government leaders, business elites, and artists to promote multidisciplinary cross-fertilization and provide the intellectual support for the development of Shanghai as a global science and innovation center.


1. Mariannne Conde-Salazar


Director of International Relations, Education Division, Paris Ile-de-France Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Director of the français des affaires


Fashion Industry and French Touch

2. Chantal Fouqué


Chief Operation Officer of La Fabrique, Director in charge of the school


Technology in Fashion Education: A School Turned into a Laboratory

How “La Fabrique” helps invent the technical professions in tomorrow’s fashion

3. Anne Gombault


Professor of management at France KEDGE Business School, Head of the Creative Industries Culture Research Center


Innovation Trends in French Fashion Houses

4. Allan G. De Boos


Programme Manager for the Woolmark Wool Education Course of Australian Wool Innovation

Dr. Allan De Boos is a graduate of the University of NSW (Textile Technology - Chemistry) and the Victoria University of Manchester (Dept Chemical Physics). He was employed by CSIRO Division of Wool Technology from 1968-2002 as a research scientist and was involved in a number of aspects of the finishing of wool and blend fabrics. While at CSIRO he worked closely with fabric and garment manufacturers, assisting them to use objective measurement in problem solving and to improve fabric quality. He has contributed significantly to the exploitation of SiroFAST and other system for fabric objective measurement by the fabric- and garment-manufacturing industries.


Innovation Derived from Inherent Properties of Wool

5. 吴海燕 Haiyan Wu



Professor of China Academy of Art, Dean of Art and Design College



Culture Venation,Art Fashion and Technology Drive-force

6. 卞向阳 Xiangyang Bian



Professor of Donghua University, Director of Shanghai Promotion Center for City of Fashion


Dr. Bian Xiangyang, Professor at Donghua University, Vice Chair of the China Fashion Association, Director of Shanghai Promotion Center for City of Fashion, President of Shanghai Museum of Textile and Costume.  His fields of research include the history and theories of textile and clothing, fashion culture and fashion industry. He has published books such as The History of Shanghai-style Fashion in Modern China (1840-1999), Case Studies of International Fashion Capitals, Memorandum of International Fashion Brands, and Judgment of Fashion Art, as well as numerous journal articles and other research works.



Cultural Creativity of the Chinese Fashion in the New Era

7. 曹莉 Li Cao



Professor of Inner Mongolia Arts University, Dean of the College of Design



On Artistic Reproduction and Heritage of Mongolian Traditional Costume

8. 丁立 Li Ding



Professor of Beihang University, Vice Director of Human Factors Engineering Institute



Protection and Ergonomics Issues of Extra Vehicular Activity Suits Gloves Material

9. 王宏志 Hongzhi Wang



Professor of Donghua University, Director of Scientific Research Department

王宏志,博士生导师,教授,亿万先生mr01官网科研处处长。教育部新世纪人才、上海市东方学者、上海市曙光学者、上海市优秀学术带头人。Scientific Reports编委、Current Nanoscience编委。近五年来,在Sci Adv、Nature Comm、Adv Mater等国际期刊上发表SCI收录论文150余篇,授权中国发明专利80余项。获得宝钢优秀教师奖,中国纺织工业联合会科学技术一等奖等。所获成果受到包括《Nature》、《Science》在内的40余家国际主流学术媒体的广泛报道。

Hongzhi Wang, Ph.D., Professor, Director of Scientific Research Department, Donghua University. Winner of Education Ministry's New Century Excellent Talents Supporting Plan, Shanghai Eastern Scholar, Shanghai Shuguang Scholar, and Shanghai Excellent Academic Leader. Editorial board member of Scientific Reports and Current Nanoscience. In the past five years, more than 150 SCI papers have been published in international journals such as Sci Adv, Nature Comm and Adv Mater, and more than 80 invention patents in China have been authorized. Won the Baosteel Outstanding Teacher Award, first prize in science and technology of China Textile Industry Federation and so on. The achievements have been widely reported by more than 40 international mainstream academic media including Nature and Science.



Flexible Functional Material for Smart Clothing
