Inertial manifolds for modified Navier-Stokes equations

主题:   Inertial manifolds for modified Navier-Stokes equations主讲人:   Anna Kostianko地点:   松江校区2号学院楼247室时间:   2018-04-20 15:00:00组织单位:   理学院应用数学系

主讲人简介:Anna Kostianko博士,现为英国萨里大学博士后研究人员,于2013-2017年在英国萨里大学获得博士学位。主要从事无穷维动力系统惯性流形相关问题的研究。

内容摘要:The lecture will prove the existence of an inertial manifold (IM)for the modified Navier-Stokes equation with peridic boundary condition in three diemsional space. The standard appoach which isbased on a spectral gap condition is not applicable here. Therefore, we needed to implement and somehow modify the so-called spatial averaging principle which was proposed by J.Mallet-Paret and Sellfor proving the existence of IMs.

讲座主持:秦玉明 教授

