Silicon Based Nanostructures for Nanoelectronics and Photovoltaics

主题:   Silicon Based Nanostructures for Nanoelectronics and Photovoltaics主讲人:   陈坤基地点:   松江校区2号学院楼331理学院报告厅时间:   2018-03-13 10:00:00组织单位:   理学院


陈坤基,南京大学电子科学与工程学院教授、博士生导师。 1963年毕业于南京大学物理系半导体专业,1981-1983年美国芝加哥大学访问学者。此后,曾10余次去美、日等国的相关大学和研究所进行合作研究工作。1990年获江苏省首届中青年科技奖,1991年获国家“有突出贡献回国留学人员”称号。2002--2014年任江苏省物理学会副理事长,2006-2011年被聘为“国家纳米研究重大科学研究计划”专家组成员。1996年起至今被选为国际非晶纳米晶半导体会议国际顾问委员会委员,2014-2018年担任“Journal of Materials Science: Materials inElectronics”编委。

研究领域:纳米半导体材料与器件、纳米光电子学。主持并完成了国家重大研究计划项目、973计划项目、国家自然科学基金重点和面上项目等20余项。已发表论文350余篇,著作一本,获国家发明专利15项。作为第一作者“有序可控硅基量子结构的构筑原理与光电子特性”的研究成果获 2003年度国家自然科学奖二等奖,并获省部级科技进步一等奖、二等奖多项。


With the developments of nano-scale engineering, the silicon nanostructure materials now have been applied in the nanoelectronics and photo voltaics. In this talk we report three kind of Sibased nanostructure thin films for the applications.

1.We employ uniform nc-Si dots array instead of the poly-Si to storage information for nonvolatile memory (NVM) devices. Based on discrete charge storage concept, the storage carriers are fully isolated inthe nc-Si dots. Consequently it can effectively improve thecharge storage characteristics and program speed.

2. Based on bandgap-tunable Si Quantum dots (QDs) multilayers structure, we investigated the Si QD/SiC multilayers solar cells,which was called as third generation of PVtechnology. The results show that the range of light absorption spectrum was matched to wider spectral of the sun and both of EQE and IQE were also increased at the short wavelength edge.

3. One dimensional (1D) silicon nanowires (SiNWs),compatible with the established Si technology, can be obtained in vertical arraysor bundles via the vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth mechanism. However, for theapplication of large-scale integration of SiNW-based devices, it is necessaryto have an extra rearrangement or manipulation step to integrate vertical SiNWs into planar layout. From this point of view, we have proposed an in-planesolid-liquid-solid (IPSLS) growth mode for such horizontal SiNWs, which areactivated to grow and be guided into predefined patterns by effective controlling the movement of the catalyst drops.


编辑:吴彦      撰写:吴良才