Polymer-Assisted Metal Deposition-An Interfacial Chemical Approach for Soft Electronics

主题:   Polymer-Assisted Metal Deposition-An Interfacial Chemical Approach for Soft Electronics主讲人:   郑子剑 教授地点:   延安路校区研究院楼209会议室时间:   2018-02-10 10:00:00组织单位:   亿万先生mr01官网纺织科技创新中心


Zheng Zijian iscurrently Full Professor at the Institute of Textile and Clothing (ITC) at TheHong Kong Polytechnic University. His research interests are surface science,self-assembly, nanolithography, polymer science, andbendable/stretchable/wearable/graphene materials and electronic devices. Hereceived his B. Eng. with honor from the Department of Chemical Engineering atTsinghua University in 2003. Between 2004 and 2007, Dr. Zheng moved to theDepartment of Chemistry and Nanoscience Center at University of Cambridge forhis PhD study under the supervision of Prof. Wilhelm T. S. Huck, where heworked on nanotechnology and organic optoelectronics. In 2008, Prof.Zhengjoined the group of Prof. Chad A. Mirkin as a postdoctoral research fellow inthe Department of Chemistry and International Institute for Nanotechnology atNorthwestern University, working on the development of Dip-Pen Nanolithographyand Polymer Pen Lithography. He joined ITC as Assistant Professor in 2009 andwas promoted to tenured Associate Professor via a fast track in 2013. He haspublished >70 papers in high-impact international scientific journalsincluding Science, Nature Comm., Advanced Materials, Journalof the America Chemical Society, AngewandteChemie.He also files 16 international and China patents. He serves as Guest Editor forAdvanced Materials and Small. He is recipient of more than 10academic awards suchas GENEVA Innovation Award,Future Leaders Programs and Early Career Awards.He is selected asFounding Member of The Young Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong.


Metal conductors are indispensable element for mostfuture soft electronic devices that find remarkable applications in wearabledisplays and solar cells, deformable antenna and capacitors, electronic skins,point-of-care diagnostics, and biological actuators. One critical challenge inthis field is how to fabricate highly conductive, adhesive, smooth, and softmetal conductors at low temperature under ambient conditions, and preferably ina roll-to-roll manner. Conventional metal nanoparticle inks fall short tosatisfy these requirements because of their relatively high processingtemperature, rough surface, and poor adhesion, especially for easily oxidizedmetals such as Cu.

Our laboratoryrecently develops Polymer-Assisted Metal Deposition (PAMD) to address thisissue. PAMD allows ambient fabrication of flexible, foldable, stretchable,compressible, and wearable metal (especially Cu) conductors with very highconductivity. The key innovation of PAMD is the use of a thin and functionalpolymeric interfacial layer that assists electroless deposition (ELD) of metalthin films and patterns (Au, Ag, Cu, and Ni) on soft substrates such asplastics, elastomers, papers, and polyurethane sponges. Such a polymerinterfacial layer offers remarkable adhesion between metal and substrate, whichis critical for enhancing the mechanical durability of the metal layer uponlarge deformation. Importantly, PAMD is compatible with versatile substratesand different printing technologies at ambient conditions. This seminar willdiscuss the materials chemistry of PAMD and demonstrate their applications inseveral important soft electronic devices including circuits, solar cells,supercapacitors, and transistors.


编辑:朱一超      撰写:曹谦芝