Internet of Energy

主题:   Internet of Energy主讲人:   Yan Zhang地点:   松江校区2号学院楼222室时间:   2017-12-08 15:00:00组织单位:   信息科学与技术学院 数字化纺织服装技术教育部工程研究中心

Abstract: Internet of Energy (IoE) isemerging as anew inter-disciplinary research field. The main goalis to tackle the futureglobal warming, energy crisis and climatechange challenges by exploitingstate-of-the-art ICT theories andtools to address energy-related problems. Inthis talk, we will first introduce the key concepts,visions, and jointenergy-information architecture in IoE. Then, we present our recent studies on exploringInternet principles (e.g., P2P) in the energy domain;smartenergymanagement in smart grid; and green and secure vehicle-to-gridnetworks using blockchain.

Bio:Yan Zhang is Full Professor at University of Oslo, Norway. He is also with Simula Research Laboratory, Norway. He received a PhD degree in School ofElectrical & Electronics Engineering, Nanyang Technological University,Singapore. He is an associate editor or on the editorial board of a number ofwell-established scientific international journals. He is currently serving theBook Series Editor-in-Chief for the book series on Wireless Networks andMobile Communications (CRC Press). He serves as organizing committeechairs and technical program committee for many international conferences. His current research interests include:wireless networks leading to 5G, and cyber-physical systems (e.g., smart grid,healthcare, transport). He is a senior member of IEEE, IEEE ComSoc, ComputerSociety, PES and IEEE VTS. He is a Fellow of IET.

编辑:向娟         撰写:马骏