Boundedness and global stability of a two-predator and one-prey model with nonlinear prey-taxis

主题:   Boundedness and global stability of a two-predator and one-prey model with nonlinear prey-taxis主讲人:   王明新地点:   松江校区2号学院楼331时间:   2017-12-05 15:00:00组织单位:   理学院




This talk concerns with a reaction-diffusion system modelinh the population dynamics of two-predators and one prey with nonlinear prey-taxis. We first investigate the global existence and boundedness of solution for the general model. Then we study the global stabilities of nonnegative spatially homogeneous equilibria for an explicit system with type 1 functional responses and density-dependent death rates for the predators and logistic growth for the prey. Moreover, the convergence rates are established.


编辑:向娟       撰写:李学元