Finding ESS for Evolution of Movement

主题:   Finding ESS for Evolution of Movement主讲人:   楼元地点:   松江校区2号学院楼331时间:   2017-11-10 14:00:00组织单位:   理学院


Lou Yuan(楼元)教授现为美国俄亥俄州立大学教授,国家“千人计划”专家,国际SCI期刊DCDS-B主编,主要研究领域为椭圆与抛物偏微分方程,已发表90余篇期刊论文,被引用约2000次。


To study the evolution of dispersal we study the Perthame-Souganidis mutation-selection model and its extensions. We considersome integro-PDE models for a population structured by the spatial variables and one trait variable. Competition for resource is local in spatial variables,but nonlocal in the trait variable. Under proper conditions on the invasion fitness gradient, we show that in the limit of small mutation rate, the positive steady state solution will concentrate in the trait variable and formsone or two Dirac masses. Biologically this suggests that either a single strategy is evolutionarily stable or two strategies as a pair can be evolutionarily stable and resist the invasion of other strategies. This talk is based on joint works with King-Yeung Lam (Ohio State University) and Wenrui Hao(Penn State).

