Interplay between α-synuclein and lipids in Parkinson’s disease

主题:    Interplay between α-synuclein and lipids in Parkinson’s  disease主讲人:   李丹地点:   松江校区图文信息中心第一报告厅时间:   2017-09-16 09:30:00组织单位:   化学化工与生物工程学院


      内容摘要:Abnormal α-synuclein (α-syn) aggregation  in Lewy bodies is the pathological hallmark of Parkinson’s disease (PD) and  other synucleinopathies such as infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy (INAD), and  idiopathic neurodegeneration associated with brain iron accumulation (NBIA)1.  Despite its high propensity to aggregate under pathological conditions and when  isolated in vitro, native α-syn is a highly abundant soluble neuronal protein in  the CNS (~1% of the total proteins) and resists aggregation in normal  intracellular environments2. However, little is known how α-syn maintains its  native structure. Here we systemically investigated lipid-binding partners of  α-syn using untargeted global lipidomic profiling. We found that different α-syn  species (e.g. monomer, oligomer and fibril) have distinct binding preferences to  lipid molecules. We identified a class of lipid molecules which specifically  bind with the N-terminal of α-syn monomer, induce a compact α-helical  conformation and stabilize α-syn monomer from aggregation. Importantly, this  lipid mediates physiological function of α-syn in synaptic vesicle trafficking.   PD familial A30P α-syn mutant shows reduced binding affinity with the lipids.  Furthermore, decreased production of this class of lipids dramatically promotes  α-syn aggregation in cells. Our study suggests that dysfunctions in the lipid  homeostasis might be critical in the development of Lewy body  diseases.

撰写:陈娜  信息员:陈娜  编辑:陈前