主题: On wearable technologies(关于可穿戴技术)主讲人: 潘宁地点: 松江纺织学院楼3004会议室时间: 2017-09-20 14:00:00组织单位: 纺织学院
论文与著作: 有200多篇 SCI 收录文章,包括先进材料,先进能源材料,英国皇家学会会刊, 美国物理评论等重要期刊。论文被引次数超过8,000次, h指数47(谷歌学术检索)。
荣誉:Fellows - 美国物理学会 (APS)2015; 美国机械工程学会(ASME) 2004;英国皇家纺织学会 (TI) 1993;2001~2001美国纤维学会主席;2010 捷克PolytechnicUniversity of Liberec,荣誉博士;2005 美国 NASA TechBrief Nano 50奖;2009受邀并参加北京60周年国庆观礼
Wearable technologies have attracted such escalating interestsfrom both manufacturers and consumers that some experts predict they will be “asbig as the smart phone”. Given the wide coverage by and extreme intimacybetween the human body and clothing, the potential for wearable technologiesindeed seems overwhelming.
For wearable technologies to gain success in today’s environmenthowever, it is of critical importance to explore and understand the causes orreasons behind the seemingly eternity of our clothing form up to now, despitetremendous advances in both materials and fabrication, and previous failedattempts in transforming it. Textilescientists are destined for providing the guidance or answers in this regard.
This talk identifies and analyzes themajor technical and non-technical issues, to explain how our current formof clothing satisfies simultaneously so many – some seemingly mutuallyexclusive and demanding – requirements, to haveserved us so well for so long; why any attempt to deviate from the vitalrequirements discussed here will inevitably cause severe deterioration ofclothing performance and deter its consumer acceptance, and finally why searching for a new form of cloth is so difficult, ifpossible.
Wearable technologies are hence believed most likely to penetrate firstinto the markets, as is, where performance and added functionality are criticalsuch as in the military, sports, medical fields, and under extreme conditions, e.g.firefighting and polar explorers. Various other applications will only becomeintegrated into everyday clothing after the technical and business issuesdiscussed are resolved and proven.