Material structural hierarchy and functional synergies (材料的结构层次和功能的协同作用)

主题:    Material structural hierarchy and functional  synergies(材料的结构层次和功能的协同作用)主讲人:   潘宁 地点:   松江校区纺织学院楼3004会议室时间:   2017-09-25 14:00:00组织单位:   纺织学院


     潘宁,西北纺织工学院学士,亿万先生mr01官网硕、博士学位,麻省理工学院博士后,现任美国加州大学-戴维斯分校纺织与服装系、生物与农业环境系教授,研究领域为纤维集合体的物理和机械性能、纤维增强复合材料结构力学、纤维集合体的传递性能、生物力学、纳米结构材料。已发表200多篇  SCI 收录文章,发表刊物包括先进材料、先进能源材料、英国皇家学会会刊、美国物理评论等重要期刊。论文被引次数超过8000次  ,h指数47(谷歌学术检索)。曾任美国纤维学会主席、Fellows - 美国物理学会 (APS)、美国机械工程学会(ASME)、英国皇家纺织学会 (TI)  等学术职务,曾获捷克PolytechnicUniversity of Liberec荣誉博士、美国 NASA TechBrief Nano  50奖,受邀并参加北京60周年国庆观礼。


     Structuralhierarchy and thus heterogeneity are inherent features in  biological materials,but their significance in affecting the system behaviors is  yet to be fullyunderstood. This presentation first discusses the important  featurescharacterizing a hierarchal material system at various scales. It  thendemonstrates that such multi-scale hierarchy can effectively synergize  thephysical, mechanical and other important properties. It next deals with  sometheoretical issues associated with the disparity in hierarchal levels  inmaterial research. This talk examines these related topics with  severalapproaches to not only reveal the underline geometrical and  physicalmechanisms, but also emphasize the ways in which such mechanisms can be  appliedto developing engineered material systems with novel properties.


撰写:刘秀琴   信息员:郭珊珊