“爱马仕精神”文化展 — 骓本溯源

主题:    “爱马仕精神”文化展 — 骓本溯源主讲人:  Bruno Gaudichon、Laurence Fontaine地点:  亿万先生mr01官网第三教学楼四楼演讲厅时间:  2017-10-20 18:00:00组织单位:   共青团亿万先生mr01官网委员会 上海国际时尚创意学院




    “骓本溯源 ”是本次主题巡回展的第一站。在装置艺术家Laurence  Fontaine精心设计的展厅内,参观者被骑士形象的装置所环绕,效果震撼。这些经典的骑士形象灵感源自摄影大师Eadweard Muybridge  (1830-1904年)的作品Animal  Locomotion(直译为:动物的运动)(1887年)。作为首站,该展通过图片展览的形式,为观众呈现了爱马仕的马术本源,而观众也将感受到爱马仕标志性的典雅艺术,惊叹于古今对比的强烈震撼。

     【Topic】Cultural Exhibitions of “Hermès Spirit”: The Harnessing Roots

     【Lecturer】Bruno Gaudichon、Laurence Fontaine

     【Time】18:00 20th of Oct.

     【Place】The 4th floor, the 3rd Teaching Building, Yan'an Road Campus


     【Lecture Introduction】

       Hermès has been always seeking for a unique balance between value and  history, fashion and roots. It integrates into the trend of fashion perfectly  and meanwhile never forgets its exclusive heritage, the trait of which becomes  increasingly prominent and widely recognized due to the description of the text  and its well-know and inherited logo.

       Cultural Exhibitions of “Hermès Spirit” shows these classic inheritances in a  brand new perspective, and starts a dialogue between ancient and modern time. It  makes a magic intersection of Hermès’ collections and latest design. Some of  these collections come from Emil Hermès private collection series which provide  an inexhaustible inspiration for Hermes, some come from the Hermès archives and  the other come from the Hermès brand collection series which has witnessed the  history of Hermès brand exploration.

       The Harnessing Roots is the first station of the tour theme exhibition.  Visitors will be surrounded by devices of knight’s image which is visually  shocking in the well-decorated exhibition hall designed by installation artist  Laurence Fontaine. The classical knight’s images are inspired by the work Animal  Locomotion (1887), by the master of photography Eadweard Muybridge (1830-1904).  As the first station, the exhibition will present Hermès origin of the  equestrian in a form of pictures. In the same time, audience will also feel  Hermes iconic art and marvel at the shocking contrast between ancient and modern  time.


撰写:陈崔珏      编辑:段然