Magnetic and Photothermal Hyperthermia of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles for Energy and Biomedical Applications
主题:   Magnetic and Photothermal Hyperthermia of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles for Energy and Biomedical Applications主讲人:   Dr. Donglu Shi, The Materials Science and Engineering Program, University of Cincinnati地点:   松江校区2号学院楼331理学院报告厅时间:   2017-06-29 09:00:00组织单位:   理学院


Donglu Shi, Ph.D, Professor and Chair of the Materials Science and Engineering Program, College of Engineering, University of Cincinnati. Donglu Shi received his Ph. D. in 1986 from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. After graduation, he took a Staff Scientist position at the Materials Science Division of Argonne National Laboratory in 1987. At Argonne, he was a principal investigator of a major Department of Energy program on High-Tc superconductors. In 1995, Donglu Shi joined the faculty in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at University of Cincinnati. He is currently the Chair of Materials Science and Engineering program at University of Cincinnati. Donglu Shi has so far published 270 refereed SCI journal publications including Physical Review Letters, Nature, ASC Nano, and Advanced Materials, among which 24 in Physical Review B and 24 in Applied Physics Letters, with an h-index of 46. He has edited 10 books in superconductivity, functional thin films, nanomaterials, biomaterials, tissue engineering, and nano biomedicine (World Scientific, Pergamon Press, Springer-Verlag). He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of Nano LIFE, and Associate Editor of Materials Science & Engineering: C, and J. of Nanomaterials. Donglu Shi has been elected as a Graduate Fellow at the University of Cincinnati in 2016. He has received the SIGMA XI Research Recognition Award, Distinguished Researcher Award, and Neil Wandmecher Teaching Award.

The most recent works on nano-biomedicine pioneer some novel approaches in developing multifunctional nano carrier systems for early cancer diagnosis and therapy. Based on new designs of nanostructures, these methods have enabled successful cell targeting for tumor therapy, optical imaging by quantum dots, photothermal ablation of cancer cells, and drug delivery by intelligent triggering mechanisms. These works have recently appeared in a major journal: Advanced Materials (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2013).


Fe3O4 nanoparticles have been extensively studied for its fascinating structures, physical properties and applications in energy and biomedicine. We have recently found photoluminescence of Fe3O4 with emissions in both visible and NIR regions that can be well correlated to its band structures. Fe3O4 has also been found with high photothermal effect under NIR irradiation, which makes it an ideal agent for localized tumor treatment. In this presentation, the recent experimental data on magnetic hyperthermia, the photothermal effect, and photoluminescence will be presented on several types of magnetic nanoparticle systems. The photonic properties will be correlated to their electronic and lattice structures.

This presentation also provides a novel design for energy efficient material structures based on the photothermal effect upon white-light irradiation. The operating mechanism responsible for the white-light mediated photothermal effect is identified and discussed based on the current physical models.

