主题: Several Challenging Problems in Wireless Networks Research主讲人: Li Wei Wayne地点: 松江校区二号学院楼226室时间: 2017-07-11 09:30:00组织单位: 信息科学与技术学院 数字化纺织服装技术教育部工程研究中心
主讲人简介: Dr. Wei Li is a Professor in the Department of ComputerScience at Texas Southern University (TSU), Houston, USA. He is also the foundingDirector/PI of NSF Center for Research on Complex Networks at TSU, one of 27active NSF Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST) in2017. Before joining TSU, Dr. Li was an Associate Professor with tenure in theDepartment of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University ofToledo, USA, and was once also an Associate Professor in the Department ofOperations Research at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. Hisresearch interests are in wireless sensor networks and mobile ad hoc networks; adaptation,design, and implementation of dynamic models for wireless and mobile networks;radio resource allocations in wireless multimedia networks; and mobile andhigh-performance computing etc.
内容摘要:In this presentation, thespeaker will present three recent research results in wireless networks. One isin bandwidth adaptation of wireless networks by using network reversibleprocess property. This research verifies the product-form solution of wholewireless network and further reveals the importance of single-node research inwireless networks. Another research is in call admission control based billingstrategies by using the method of Markov decision process. This research verifiesthe optimal admission threshold policy for new generated data and then providesa novel method in resolving dynamic optimal problems in wireless networks. Thethird research is on the investigation of joining strategies of Second Users(SUs) in a cognitive radio system with a single Primary User (PU) band that enablesSUs to utilize the unused spectrum band originally allocated to a PUopportunistically. This research derives the Nash Equilibriums for non-cooperativejoining strategy and cooperative joining strategies, respectively. By observingthat an individually optimal strategy does not yield the socially optimal strategy,this research furthermore proposes an appropriate admission fee strategy imposedon the SUs and then successfully bridge the gap between the individually and sociallyoptimal strategies. As a potential collaboration with scholars who are interestedin these areas, the speaker will discuss a few challenging problems in theareas which may need to be paid attention in the near future. Finally, thespeaker will present on how the current research be linked to the short range wirelesscommunications for connected vehicle to vehicle (V2V) networks.