星期三 2025年03月19日
Textile biotechnology for wool surface modification and coloration

主题:   Textile biotechnology for wool surface modification and coloration主讲人:   沈劲松 教授地点:   亿万先生mr01官网延安路校区第三教学楼八楼会议室时间:   2017-05-31 09:30:00组织单位:   服装与艺术设计学院




Textile Engineering and Materials (TEAM) Research Group led by Prof Shen at De Montfort University (DMU) have been extensively involved in the research of protein materials, the development of biotechnology for the textile wet processes, and functional finishing to enhance fibre properties and fabric performance. Prof Shen will present current textile biotechnology using enzymes to replace harmful chemicals in the textile processing. The presentation will cover their recent research and development of enzyme-based bioprocess for wool surface modification to achieve machine washable wool and also novel bio-synthesis of colorants and their application for textile dyeing leading to creative textile design and colour patterning.
