A chemotaxis system with doubly degenerate diffusion
主题:   A chemotaxis system with doubly degenerate diffusion主讲人:   Michael Winkler地点:   松江校区2号学院楼245时间:   2017-03-29 15:30:00组织单位:   理学院


Professor Michael Winkler, from University of Paderborn, is mainly interested in parabolic equations, in particular cross-diffusion systems and degenerate equations. He has contributed many nice works on the qualitative properties of solutions to evolution equations, and he has published 115 papers with more than 2200 citations. Currently he takes five editorial duties of five SCI mathematical journals.


We consider a spatially one-dimensional chemotaxis system accounting for signal consumption through cells as well as for a cell diffusion mechanism which is degenerate not only at vanishing cell densities but also near points of small signal concentration. We discuss possible effects of such types of interplay both on aspects from existence and regularity theory, as well as on the qualitative behavior of solutions.


