Polymer-surface interactions from the molecular perspective by AFM force spectroscopy
主题:   Polymer-surface interactions from the molecular perspective by AFM force spectroscopy主讲人:   G. Julius Vancso地点:   松江校区图文信息中心第二报告厅时间:   2017-03-30 10:00:00组织单位:   化学化工与生物工程学院

报告人简介:BIOGRAPHY: Professor G.Julius Vancso, MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, the Netherlands; and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His currentresearch interests involve materials science of “smart” polymers forapplications in biomaterials, medicine, fluidics and sensing; single moleculestudies; surface engineering with macromolecules; and materials chemistry oforganometallic polymers. 

In Twente he held various administrativefunctions, including Associate Dean for Chemical Engineering. Professor Vancsois Fellow of the UK Royal Society of Chemistry, and external member of theHungarian Academy of Sciences. He published over 520 papers, which earned himover 11,500 independent citations and an h-factor of 53. He is co-inventor of 7patents, and co-owner of Aerotech Ltd., a spin-off company which focusses onnanomaterials. He is Senior Executive Editor of European Polymer Journal since2002.

报告摘要: Adsorption ofpolymers at surfaces is a central subject in polymer science with greatrelevance for many applications related to surface functionalization,nanofabrication, fouling, colloidal stabilization, coatings and adhesives, etc.AFM based force spectroscopy approaches, which have been used with success tomeasure forces down to the level to single molecule interactions, have beenused with success to study adsorption and binding strength, conformation, andsupramolecular structure of surface attached polymers. In this presentation, following a short introduction into force spectroscopy by AFM, two exampleswill be used to show recent progress in this area obtained in our laboratories.First we present results related to measuring the isoelectric point (pI) ofproteins immobilized at AFM probe surfaces, using designer reference substrateswith controlled charge over a broad pH range . We validated our approach usingproteins with well-known structure and ionization behavior. This approachallowed us to determine pI values of still unsequenced and poorly characterized“temporary adhesion” proteins of barnacle cyprids, relevant for marine fouling,and available in minute amounts only. In the second example we focus on singlepolymer pull and show the first results related to direction dependence of theadhesion force for partially adsorbed chains, when the free end is pulled. Wedemonstrate direction-dependent chain pull and fingerprints in the adhesionforce vs. pulling angle dependence indicating adsorption-desorption transitionsas a function of the pulling angle . A short account on anticipated futuredevelopments will conclude the presentation. 

