Big Data Analytics-with application in image processing

主题:   Big Data Analytics – with application in image processing主讲人:   Biao Huang地点:   亿万先生mr01官网二号学院楼226室时间:   2017-03-01 09:00:00组织单位:   信息科学与技术学院

主讲人简介:Biao Huang, PhD, PEng, FCIA, FCIC, Professor, University of Alberta, Canada

讲座摘要:Modern process industry is awash with large amount of data. Extraction of information and knowledge discovery from data, particularly fromday by day routine process operating data, is especially challenging. There arenumerous issues such as data nonlinearity, non-Gaussian, high dimensionality, collinearity,multiple mode, outlier, missing measurement etc that must be considered duringthe information extraction process. This presentation will discuss state-of-the-artdevelopment of big data analytics to deal with these issues and to developstatistical models from data. The concept of big data analytics is illustratedby applications to data based image processing.
