Developments on Analyzing Social Media Data

主题:   Developments on Analyzing Social Media Data主讲人:   江科元 博士地点:   松江校区一号学院楼140报告厅时间:   2016-12-27 13:30:00组织单位:   计算机学院


江科元博士任职于美国普渡大学Calumet校区计算机信息技术系,曾获东南大学计算机学士,上海交大生物医学工程硕士,美国范德堡大学(Vanderbilt University)生物医学工程博士。江科元博士是IEEE计算机协会会员,IEEE生物医学工程协会高级会员,积极参于信息技术在生物医学领域的应用研究。他的多篇科研成果发表在Bioinformatics,IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Computer Science Lecture Notes,Computers in Biology and Medicine, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine等刊物上。其科研项目曾获微软研究院的资助。目前,江科元任IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 副编辑。


The emergence of social media has promotedvarious research efforts on the social media data. However, recent developments in machine learning have changed the ways of how social media data are processed and analyzed. This talk provides some insights on the newdevelopments.

