Photon science research at SINAP - Past, Present and Future

主题:   Photon science research at SINAP - Past, Present and Future主讲人:   Dr. Jianhui Chen地点:   松江校区第一教学楼1209时间:   2016-11-17 08:15:00组织单位:   机械工程学院


Dr. Chen Jianhui received his B.S. in Nuclear Engineering & Techniques at the Tsinghua University, Beijing in 2004 and PhD in Nuclear Science and Techniques at Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP) in 2009. He then joined SINAP to work on synchrotron radiation and free-electron laser. Dr. Chen is currently responsible for the FEL commissioning of the FEL projects under construction, Dalian Coherent Light Source (DCLS) and the Shanghai X-ray Free-Electron Laser (SXFEL).


In this lecture we provide an overview of large scale facilities for photon science research at the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP). The history, current status and future prospects of the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF), an intermediate-energy 3rd generation light source, will be presented. Free-electron laser facilities, under construction or in the planning phase are summarized. We then give a brief introduction to a new gamma-ray source for nuclear research currently under construction.

