Boundary Layer Problem and Zero Viscosity-Diffusion Vanishing Limit of the Incompressible Magnetohydrodynamic System with No-slip Dirichlet Boundary Conditions

主题:   Boundary Layer Problem and Zero Viscosity-Diffusion Vanishing Limit of the Incompressible MHD ...主讲人:   王术地点:   松江校区2号学院楼331学术报告厅时间:   2016-10-06 10:00:00组织单位:   非线性科学研究所


内容摘要: In this talk,we will talk about the boundary layer problem and zero viscosity-diffusionvanishing limit of the initial boundary value problem for the incompressibleviscous and diffusive magnetohydrodynamic(MHD) system with Dirichlet boundary (no-slipcharacteristic) conditions and will prove that the incompressible inviscid MHDsystem and the related Prandtl boundary layer are stable with respect to theviscosity and magnetic diffusion coefficients.


