Controlling ion transport in nanostructured solid polymer electrolytes

主题:   Controlling ion transport in nanostructured solid polymer electrolytes主讲人:   Christopher Li地点:   先进低维材料中心学术会议室(二号学院楼西6楼2632室)时间:   2016-07-04 10:00:00组织单位:   先进低维材料中心

主讲人简介:Christopher Li received his B. S. from the University of Science and Technology of China in 1995 and his Ph.D. from the Department of Polymer Science, The University of Akron in December, 1999. After working as a post-doc at the Maurice Morton Institute of Polymer Science, UA for 2 years, he joined Drexel University, the Department of Materials Science and Engineering in January, 2002 as an assistant professor, and was promoted to associate and full professor in 2007, and 2011, respectively. His research interests center on the structure and morphology of ordered polymeric systems and hybrid materials.  Christopher Li is a Fellow of American Physical Society and North American Thermal Analysis Society, and is on the Editorial Advisory Board of Macromolecules, ACS macro letters, and Polymer. He has received a number of awards including the NSF Creativity Award, NSF-CAREER Award, Outstanding Oversea Young Scientist selected by National Science Foundation of China, Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship, ASM Bradley Stoughton Award, DuPont Young Faculty Award, among others.

报告摘要:Solid polymer electrolytes (SPEs) with high ionic conductivity are important for energy-related applications, such as solid state batteries and fuel cells.  In order to achieve improved performance and longevity of the device, mechanical properties of the SPEs should be promoted to the highest critical factor without sacrificing their ion conductivity, particularly in solid-state lithium ion batteries. In this talk, I will discuss three new approaches of fabricating 1D, 2D and 3D SPEs. The first one is to use holographic polymerization (HP) to fabricate long-range, defect-free, ordered SPEs with tunable ion conducting pathways.  By incorporating polymer electrolytes into the carefully selected HP system, electrolyte layers/ion channels with length scales of a few tens of nanometers to micrometers can be formed.  The second approach involves re-examining the effect of crystalline lamellae on PEM ion conductivity. By controlling the polymer crystal orientation, we discovered that crystal lamellae can guide ion transport. The third approach is designing hybrid networks with controlled network nanostructure. We show that this exquisite structural control is critical to achieving high performance SPEs for lithium battery applications.


