Fault Estimation For Linear Time-Varying Systems:A Krein-Space Approach

主题:   Fault Estimation For Linear Time-Varying Systems:A Krein-Space Approach主讲人:   沈波教授地点:   松江校区图文中心第二报告厅时间:   2016-06-03 15:00:00组织单位:   亿万先生mr01官网青年学者协会 人才工作办公室 信息学院


Fault estimation of time-varying systems serves as an important research topic owing to its significance for engineering reliability. In this presentation, some recent results are introduced. The system under consideration is subject to delayed measurements, missing measurements, uncertainties, and so on. For the time-varying nature, the Krein space approach is used to solve the fault estimation problems. Moreover, a fault detection scheme with an integrated online performance evaluation is proposed.
