Innovations in Virtual and Remote Laboratory Development

主题:   Innovations in Virtual and Remote Laboratory Development主讲人:   Xuemin Chen地点:   松江校区2号学院楼226报告厅时间:   2016-06-15 11:30:00组织单位:   信息科学与技术学院

About the Speaker: Dr.Xuemin Chen is the founding Director of Virtual and Remote Laboratory (VR-Lab)and an Associate Professor of Electricaland Computer Engineering at the Texas Southern University (TSU). He received his BS, MS and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NJUST), China, in 1985, 1988 and 1991 respectively. He joined the faculty of TSU in the Department of Engineering Technology in September 2006. Prior to that, he had fifteen years working experience in academia with six years at NJUST and another nine years at University of Houston. He was the recipient of the Top Research Innovations and Findings Award from Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for hiscontribution in the “Thickness Measurement of Reinforced Concrete Pavement byUsing Ground Penetrating Radar” in 2004. Upon joining the TSU, he actively engaged in the conception and implementation of next-generation remote laboratory. He initiated the Virtual and Remote Laboratory at TSU in 2008. With the support of NSF HBCU-UP, CCLI and IEECI programs, and Qatar NPRP award, he has established a state of the art VR-Lab at TSU. His other interests include wireless sensor networks. He is an investigator of NSF Center for Research on Complex Networks at TSU.

Abstract:Information technology has had a great impact on education, providing additional teaching strategies, such as online learning. The Sloan Survey of Online Learning 2015 revealed that more than one in four students (28%) now take at least one distance education course. To provide such online courses, alaboratory can provide virtual and remote experiments is inevitably necessary,especially for the engineering education. In addition, industries have embraced this emerging technology. Virtual instruments, remote control and reconfiguration of instrumentation have become a common practice in the workplace. While information technology is constantly progressing, the virtualand remote laboratory development has kept up with brisk pace. To address the need of virtual and remote laboratory for education and research, we havedeveloped a unified framework for virtual and remote laboratory development.This unified framework solved some common issues in this research area, such asthird party plugin, firewall, cross platform, scalability, and mobileapplications. Based on the unified platform, several virtual and remote laboratories have been established at Texas Southern University and partner universities.

                                                                      编辑:向娟信息员:马骏   撰写:马骏