主题:    旅游业中的虚拟现实技术发展主讲人:   王子信地点:   延安路校区第三教学大楼4楼报告厅时间:   2015-12-08 13:30:00组织单位:   国际文化交流学院


内容摘要:The Virtual Reality used to be a frontier  science far from ordinary people. Currently, based on the rapid development of  technology, many people are able to enjoy the extraordinary feature of VR:  immersion, interaction and imagination, which take people from the reality into  an unprecedented space. However, have you ever thought about there is any  connection between VR and tourism industry? Mr.ZIXIN Wang, the Marketing Manager  of Cloudwave Network Technology Co.,Ltd inShanghai, will demonstrate the  combination of VR and tourism industry, also analyze the challenges and future  potential opportunities in there.

