Limit dynamics of a small solid in a perfect incompressible fluid
主题:    Limit dynamics of a small solid in a perfect  incompressible fluid主讲人:   Prof. Olivier Glass地点:   松江校区2号学院楼331理学院学术报告厅时间:   2015-10-19 10:00:00组织单位:   理学院

报告人:Professor Olivier Glass (法国Université Paris-Dauphine  CEREMADE实验室主任,博导) 


We consider a solid in a two-dimensional perfect incompressible fluid. The  fluid is driven by the classical Euler equation, and the solid evolves according  to Newton's law under the influence of the pressure on its surface. We consider  the limit of the system as the solid shrinks to a point. We obtain various  different models in the limit. A first model is obtained when the mass of the  solid and the circulation around it are fixed; in that case the system converges  to a variant of Marchioro and Pulvirenti's vortex-wave system where the vortex,  placed in the point occupied by the shrunk body, is accelerated by a lift force  similar to the Kutta-Joukowski force. A second one is obtained when the mass of  the solid and its density are fixed; in that case, we recover in the limit the  vortex-wave system itself. These results are obtained in collaboration with  Christophe Lacave (Paris-Diderot), Alexandre Munnier (Nancy) and Franck Sueur  (Bordeaux).