国际空间站中的复杂等离子体物理及其在临床医疗上的应用(Complex plasma physics on the International Space Station and its application in plasma medicine and hygiene)
主题:    国际空间站中的复杂等离子体物理及其在临床医疗上的应用主讲人:   Hubertus M. Thomas地点:   松江校区2号学院楼331室时间:   2015-09-23 15:00:00组织单位:   理学院

ubertus M. Thomas received his Diploma from the University Cologne in 1992,  and his Ph. D. degree from Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich in 1996. From  1992 to 2013 he was at the Max-Planck-Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in  Garching. Since 2014 he is the leader of the research group on complex plasma at  German Aerospace Center in Oberpfaffenhofen.  His research interests are low  temperature plasmas and complex plasmas. He is the responsible scientist for the  complex plasma projects PKE-Nefedov, PK-3 Plus, and PK-4 continuously operated  on the International Space Station since 2001.

内容摘要:Complex plasma research is an interdisciplinary basic research field in  between plasma physics and soft matter physics. It offers the possibility to  investigate strongly coupled many particle phenomena on the most fundamental,  the kinetic level. Our group performed such studies under microgravity  conditions on the International Space Station ISS over the last 12 years  complementary to the work on ground.

Low temperature plasma physics is the basis for this research and a large  technological know-how has been developed to build the space experiments at our  institute. This special know-how have been transferred to a new field of applied  research, the so-called plasma medicine and plasma hygiene. Here, cold  atmospheric plasmas (CAPs) are used to kill bacteria, virus, fungi or spores on  sensitive surfaces like the human skin at atmospheric pressures. Due to the  know-how of building space plasma devices our group was the first in the world  that could design, built and qualify a plasma source for the use in clinical  trials for the treatment of chronic wounds. The results were very convincing –  the wounds were disinfected through the plasma treatment and even more  promising, they showed faster wound healing. 

The applications of CAP in plasma medicine and plasma hygiene are vast and  many ideas exist in the community. The plasma could even be used to  decontaminate space hardware in terms of planetary protection. A recent study by  DLR-ME and MPE showed that CAP could be a new alternative method to  decontaminate space vehicles for exploration to moons or Mars.

I will present an overview on the three main topics of our research: complex  plasma on the ISS, application of CAP on ground in plasma medicine and hygiene  and back to space with the application of the decontamination of space  equipment.